Drive the output channel pin to a given current.
None (Main library). (See Section 2.3, “Licensed Features”.)
The constant current output block causes the channel pin to be driven to a requested current given by the level inport at every block iteration.
A value representing the percentage of the output current range to supply via the output channel. For instance, if the output pin range is 0A to 2A, then a value of 0.5 at this inport will request the hardware supply a constant current of 1A.
Range: [0, 1] unitless
Place a 1 here to force the block to use the parameter Default level for the output, 0 to use the inport level.
Range: 0 or 1
Only used in simulation. this outport is set to the requested current level (i.e., the inport level or the parameter Default level depending on the inport fault).
Range: [0, 1] duty-cycle
The channel pin for this constant current output.
Value type: | List | ||
Calibratable: | No |
This is the level for the constant current output when the fault inport is set to 1.
Range: [0, 1] unitless
This is the level of the constant current output prior to when the block is first executed.
Range: [0, 1] unitless
Tick to add simulation outports, untick to remove simulation outports.
Range: [0, 1] unitless
The periodicity of the block execution.
Range: [0.001, 3600] seconds