5.1.114. Watchdog kick (psc_KickWatchdog)

Kick the processor watchdog to avoid reset. Supported targets

All targets Required license

None (Main library). (See Section 2.3, “Licensed Features”.) Description

A watchdog is a timer that causes a processor reset when the timer exceeds a maximum duration. By kicking the watchdog on a periodic basis, the processor reset never occurs. A simple scheme to utilise the watchdog kicks the watchdog on a periodic basis. A more complex scheme might kick the watchdog only if the software appears to be performing the correct functionality (for instance, if two independent measurements of the same quantity show a large discrepancy).

The psc_KickWatchdog block causes the processor watchdog timer to clear thus avoiding a reset. Each ECU has a fixed watchdog duration.

Target ECUWatchdog durationMaximum kick period
M110, M220, M221, M250, M460, M461 [~419, ~838] milliseconds [a] 200 milliseconds
M670 [~508, ~1016] milliseconds [a] 200 milliseconds

[a] The range reflects the configuration of the processor's watchdog, which uses two time out periods before resetting the processor.

If no psc_KickWatchdog block is present in the model then the watchdog will be kicked by the platform automatically at the maximum period for the target ECU. Inports

  • kick

    Set to 1 to cause watchdog timer to clear (no reset), set to zero to allow the watchdog timer to continue to increase (reset will occur when timer exceeds the duration).

    Range: 0 or 1 Outports

None. Mask parameters Notes
