6.8.6. Cam wheel — movement (pan_CamWheelMovement)

Determine whether a camshaft wheel is moving or not. Supported targets

M220-000, M221-000, M250-000 and M670-000 Required license

None (Main library). (See Section 2.3, “Licensed Features”.) Description

The pan_CamWheelMovement block retrieves whether the camshaft wheel is moving or not. The ECU continually monitors the camshaft wheel input signal looking for tooth edges. If a tooth edge (as defined in the pan_CamWheelConfig block) is detected within a timeout period (approximately 2 seconds), then the ECU declares the wheel as moving. Otherwise, the ECU assumes the wheel is stationary and not moving. Inports

  • sim_movement

    Only used under simulation. Under simulation, the value of this inport is passed through to outport movement.

    Value type:Boolean Outports

  • movement

    Set to zero if the camshaft wheel input appears to have stopped (i.e., is below the frequency measurement threshold of approximately 0.5 Hz), and set to one if the camshaft wheel input appears to be moving.

    Value type:Boolean Mask parameters

  • Wheel

    A drop down to identify the camshaft wheel to measure for movement. The selection of wheel must match a pan_CamWheelConfig block elsewhere in the model.

    Value type:List
  • Sample time

    The periodicity of the block execution.

    Range: [0.001, 3600] seconds, or -1 to inherit the sample time

    Value type:Real
  • Provide simulation inports?

    Tick to enable inport sim_movement.

    Value type:Boolean
    Calibratable:No Notes
