2.2. PiSnoop

Pi Innovo's PiSnoop tool has many functions that are useful in typical OpenECU developments. It offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional calibration tools, but its emphasis is more on software development than calibration. Therefore it presents an interface that is part way to a debugger in terms of watch and memory windows, but typically interacts with the ECU via CCP, just like a calibration tool.

A demo version of PiSnoop is available from our website) in which all features may be tried out, but with some limitations on the number or duration of operations. This provides a route to getting up and running right away with OpenECU.

PiSnoop is under continual development, so this manual does not attempt to document how to use it with OpenECU in detail as is done for the other tools below. Instead, see the online help that is included in the PiSnoop installation (including the specific OpenECU application note) for up-to-date guidance. In brief however, capabilities include: