OpenECU works with a number of applications (both required and optional) supplied by other companies. If you intend to use OpenECU with one of the following tools, it is best to install them before OpenECU. The installer will then integrate the OpenECU developer software with these applications.
MATLAB: (see OpenECU Compatibility with Third Party Tools for a list of supported versions)
ETAS INCA calibration tool (version 7.2.7)
OpenECU works with a number of other applications, but these need not be installed prior to the OpenECU developer software.
Simulink Coder, formerly Real-Time Workshop, (optional): (see OpenECU Compatibility with Third Party Tools for a list of supported versions)
Embedded Coder, formerly Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder, (optional): (see OpenECU Compatibility with Third Party Tools for a list of supported versions)
Stateflow: (see OpenECU Compatibility with Third Party Tools for a list of supported versions)
Wind River (Diab) C compiler (versions, and for M110, M220, M221, M250, M460 and M461 targets
Wind River (Diab) C compiler (version for M670 target
GCC Compiler (version 4.7.3 free compiler option) for M110, M220, M250, M460, M461 and M670 targets
GCC is an optional component in the OpenECU installation (installed by default)
PiSnoop (any version)
ATI Vision calibration tool (version 2.5 through 4.0)
Vector CANape calibration tool (version 8.0 through 13.0)
The applications above have been listed with a version or release number. These are the versions or releases that OpenECU has been tested against. It may be that OpenECU will work with other versions of these applications, but it is recommended against and Pi may not provide technical support if these versions or releases are not used.