For Simulink model based development, OpenECU requires (at a minimum) the following MathWorks tools:
MATLAB (base product)
Simulink (to develop the models)
Simulink Coder (to generate C code from the models)
MATLAB Coder (Simulink Coder depends on this)
In addition, if you need to add state diagrams to the model, then you will also need:
Stateflow (to develop state flow diagrams inside your model) Simulink Coder generates C code from the state flow diagrams inside your model.
Simulink Coder generates C code which does not lend itself to efficient repeatable testing. When creating a production version of your product, you may need better control of the structure of the C code generated from the model to reduce the cost of testing the C code against any industry standards. Under these circumstances you will also need:
Embedded Coder (to generate C code from the models)
To compile the generated C code (from either Simulink Coder or Embedded Coder), you will need one of the following compilers:
Wind River Diab compiler
GCC compiler (free compiler but with known issues)
To program and calibrate an OpenECU with an application, OpenECU integrates with the following calibration tools. Only one calibration tool is required:
Vector CANape