8.7. Code generation messages

  1. (error 950): line 'number' of 'file name': from within the 'compound' statement, there is a missing 'assignment' statement.

    The interface tool has read an interface specification file and found a compound statement with a missing assignment statement called 'assignment'. In this case, the interface tool is expecting the assignment statement to be present (i.e., the assignment statement is not optional).

  2. (error 950): within the 'compound' statement, at least one of these lists of statements must be provided completely (entries marked * are already present):

    (error 950): 1. 'list-of-statements'

    (error 950): 2. 'list-of-statements'

    The interface tool has read an interface specification file and found a compound statement with a missing assignment statement. In this case, the interface tool is expecting the compound statement to contain assignment statements from one of the lists presented (i.e., some assignment statements are not optional).

  3. (error 951): within the interface file, there is a missing 'compound' statement.

    The interface tool has read an interface specification file and found that the file is missing a compound statement called 'compound'. In this case, the interface tool is expecting the compound statement to be present (i.e., the statement is not optional). Missing assignment statements are marked by the absence of an asterisk.

  4. (error 951): within the interface file, at least one of these lists of statements must be provided completely (entries marked * are already present):

    (error 951): 1. 'list-of-statements'

    (error 951): 2. 'list-of-statements'

    The interface tool has read an interface specification file and found a compound statement with a missing assignment statement. In this case, the interface tool is expecting the compound statement to contain assignment statements from one of the lists presented (i.e., some assignment statements are not optional). Missing assignment statements are marked by the absence of an asterisk.

  5. (error 3090): incorrect declarations in target-ecu statement

    The interface tool has not been able to identify the target based on the declarations given in the target-ecu statement. See error text emitted for specific information.

  6. (error 3091): more than one target-ecu statement is present.

    The interface tool has found more than one target-ecu compound statement in an interface file, where the tool was expecting only one.

  7. (error 3092): no target-ecu statement specified.

    The interface tool has found no target-ecu statement in an interface file, when the tool was expecting one.

  8. (error 3093): missing declarations in target-ecu statement.

    The interface tool has found that required declarations were missing from the target-ecu compound statement. See the error text emitted for further details.

  9. (error 3094): multiple declarations in target-ecu statement.

    The interface tool has found multiple declarations in the target-ecu compound statement. See the error text emitted for further details.

  10. (error 3095): 'hw-issue-number' outside range [0, 65535].

    The interface tool has found a hw-issue-number outside the value range of [0, 65535].

  11. (error 3096): 'hw-option' must be a three-character text string.

    The interface tool has found a hw-option text string that was not three characters long.

  12. (error 3101): more than one application statement is present.

    The interface tool has found more than one application compound statement in an interface file, where the tool was expected only one.

  13. (error 3102): miscellaneous error in application statements.

    This error code is emitted for a variety of issues with application statements. See error text emitted for details of problem identified.

  14. (error 3103): 'version' outside range [0, 65535]

    The interface tool has found a major-version, minor-version or subminor-version number outside the value range of [0, 65535].

  15. (error 3121): more than one memory-config statement is present

    The interface tool has found a repeated memory-config compound statement in an interface file (the tool expects only one).

  16. (error 3123): memory configuration is not supported on this target

    Only certain targets support memory configuration. Please consult Appendix 4, Memory configurations for further details.

  17. (error 3131): more than one os-native statement is present.

    The interface tool has found a repeated os-native compound statement in an interface file (the tool expects only one).

  18. (error 3141): more than one stack-size statement specified.

    The interface tool has found a repeated stack-size statement in an interface file (the tool expects only one).

  19. (error 3142): no stack-size statement specified.

    The interface tool has not found the stack-size statement in an interface file (the tool was expecting one).

  20. (error 3143): stack size less than 1024 bytes.

    The interface tool has found a stack-size statement specifying less than 1024 bytes (the tool requires at least 1024 bytes to be specified).

  21. (error 3151): miscellaneous task statement error.

    The interface tool reports this error code for several different errors relating to OS task declarations. See emitted error text for details of the problem identified.

  22. (error 3152): no task statement specified.

    The interface tool has found no tasks specified in an os-native compound statement (the tool expects at least one).

  23. (error 3153): more than 12 tasks specified.

    The interface tool has found more than 12 tasks specified in an os-native compound statement (the tool expected less than 12).

  24. (error 3154): task has no specified 'name' statement.

    The interface tool has found a task compound statement without a required 'name' statement.

  25. (error 3155): duplicate task name for task 'name' already exists.

    The interface tool has found a task named 'name' more than once (all task names must be unique).

  26. (error 3156): an existing task 'name' already has a priority of 'value'.

    The interface tool has found a task with a priority of 'value' but the priority value is not unique (all task priority values must be unique).

  27. (error 3157): task rate less than 1 millisecond.

    The interface tool has found a task with a period less than one millisecond (the tool does not support task rates less than one millisecond).

  28. (error 3158): task rate greater than 1 hour.

    The interface tool has found a task with a period greater than one hour (the tool does not support task rates greater than one hour).

  29. (warning 3163): offset greater than twice period for task.

    The interface tool has found a task with an offset (delay before first execution) time that is more than twice the task period. This is allowed but the warning is generated in case the long offset was specified accidentally.

  30. (error 3166): more than one task declared 'tdc-firing'.

    The interface tool has found more than one top-dead-centre triggered angular task. Currently only one such task is supported.

  31. (error 3167): tasks with a 'tdc-firing' trigger are only supported by (xxx) targets.

    The interface tool has found an angle-triggered task specified for an ECU target which does not yet support angular tasks.

  32. (error 3168): more than one task declared 'crank-sync-point'.

    The interface tool has found more than one crank sync-point triggered angular task. Currently only one such task is supported.

  33. (error 3169): tasks with a 'crank-sync-point' trigger are only supported by (xxx) targets.

    The interface tool has found an angle-triggered task specified for an ECU target which does not yet support angular tasks.

  34. (error 3171): resource has no specified name statement.

    The interface tool has found a resource compound statement without a required name statement.

  35. (error 3172): attempt to rename resource 'name'.

    The interface tool has found a resource compound statement with a repeated name statement.

  36. (error 3173): resource with name 'name' already exists.

    The interface tool has found a resource compound statement with a name statement identical to another resource statement (all resource names must be unique).

  37. (error 3174): task 'name' already present in used-by-task statement.

    The interface tool has found a used-by-task statement which repeats a reference to a task (all references must be unique).

  38. (error 3175): task 'name' in used-by-task statement is not declared.

    The interface tool has found a used-by-task statement which refers to a task which is not specified.

  39. (error 3181): more than one can-messaging statement is present.

    The interface tool has found a repeated can-messaging compound statement (the tool expects to find only one).

  40. (error 3182): number of CAN receive messages is reassigned.

    The interface tool has found a repeated number-of-receive-messages statement (the tool expects to find only one).

  41. (error 3183): number of CAN receive messages is outside the range [0,100].

    The interface tool has found a number-of-receive-messages statement with a value outside the valid range of [0, 100].

  42. (error 3184): number of CAN transmit messages is outside the range [0,100].

    The interface tool has found a number-of-transmit-messages statement with a value outside the valid range of [0, 100].

  43. (error 3191): more than one PGN pdu-datapage statement specified.

    The interface tool has found a repeated pdu-datapage statement within a pgn-receive compound statement (the tool expects to see only one).

  44. (error 3201): more than one ccp-messaging statement is present.

    The interface tool has found a repeated ccp-messaging statement (the tool expects only one).

  45. (error 3202): miscellaneous CCP-related error.

    The interface tool reports this error code for several reasons relating to CAN Calibration Protocol statements. See error text emitted for details of problem.

  46. (error 3203): CCP CRO identifier of 'value' is outside the range [0,2047].

    The CRO identifier was specified to be in standard ID mode, and the interface tool has found a cro statement with value outside the valid range.

  47. (error 3204): CCP DTO identifier of 'value' is outside the range [0,2047].

    The DTO identifier was specified to be in standard ID mode, and the interface tool has found a dto statement with value outside the valid range.

  48. (error 3205): CCP CRO and DTO identifiers both have the same value of 'value'.

    The interface tool has found a cro and dto statement with identical CAN identifier values (the CRO and DTO CAN identifiers must be unique).

  49. (error 3206): CCP station address identifier of 'value' is outside the range [0,255].

    The interface tool has found a station-address statement with value outside the valid range.

  50. (error 3207): CCP bus 'value' is outside the range [0,2] supported by target 'name'.

    The interface tool has found a can-bus statement referring to a CAN bus which isn't implemented by the target.

  51. (error 3208): CCP baud rate of 'value' kBps is not supported.

    The interface tool has found a baud statement with an unsupported value. See Section 5.1.13, “CAN configuration (pcx_CANConfiguration)” for supported baud rates.

  52. (error 3209): more than one cro-ext-id statement specified.

    The interface tool has found more than one cro-ext-id statement in the c-api interface file.

  53. (error 3210): more than one dto-ext-id statement specified.

    The interface tool has found more than one dto-ext-id statement in the c-api interface file.

  54. (error 3211): CCP CRO identifier of 'value' is outside the range [0,536870911].

    The CRO identifier was specified to be in extended ID mode, but the cro statement still specifes a value outside of the 29 bit range. range.

  55. (error 3212): CCP DTO identifier of 'value' is outside the range [0,536870911].

    The DTO identifier was specified to be in extended ID mode, but the dto statement still specifes a value outside of the 29 bit range.

  56. (error 3221): more than one j1939-messaging statement is present.

    The interface tool has found a repeated j1939-messaging compound statement (the tool expects only one).

  57. (error 3223): J1939 CAN bus 'value' is outside the range [0,2] supported by target 'name'.

    The interface tool has found a can-bus statement referring to a CAN bus which isn't implemented by the target.

  58. (error 3224): J1939 message buffer size 'value' is outside the range [8,1785]")

    The interface tool has found a size-of-message-buffer statement with a value outside the valid range.

  59. (error 3225): J1939 number of simultaneous receive messages value of 'value' is outside the range [1,20].

    The interface tool has found a num-simultaneous-rx statement with a value outside the valid range.

  60. (error 3226): J1939 number of simultaneous transmit messages value of 'value' is outside the range [1,20].

    The interface tool has found a num-simultaneous-tx statement with a value outside the valid range.

  61. (error 3227): J1939 num-rx-tx value of 'value' is outside the range [1,100].

    The interface tool has found a num-rx-tx statement with value outside the valid range.

  62. (error 3236): miscellaneous J1939-related error.

    The interface tool reports this error code for several different issues related to J1939 declarations. See error text emitted for details of problem.

  63. (error 3241): J1939 node address of 'value' is reserved and cannot be used in the list of DMx nodes.

    The interface tool has found the address 254 or 255 in a listen-for-dm1-message or listen-for-dm2-message statement (addresses 254 and 255 are reserved by the J1939 protocol).

  64. (error 3242): J1939 node address of 'value' is an address of one of the channels on this node.

    The interface tool has found a listen-for-dm1-message or listen-for-dm2-message statement which refers to an address of this node (the tool will not listen for its own DM1 and DM2 messages).

  65. (error 3251): more than one J1939 this-node statement is present.

    The interface tool has found a repeated this-node statement within a j1939-messaging compound statement (the tool expects only one).

  66. (error 3252): miscellaneous J1939-related error.

    The interface tool reports this error code for several different issues related to J1939 declarations. See error text emitted for details of problem.

  67. (error 3253): J1939 node address cannot be 254 or 255.

    The interface tool has found a this-node compound statement containing an address statement using a reserved address (valid address range is [0, 253]).

  68. (error 3254): J1939 node industry-group value of 'value' is outside range of [0,7].

    The interface tool has found a this-node compound statement containing an industry-group statement with invalid value.

  69. (error 3255): J1939 node vehicle-system-instance value of 'value' is outside range of [0,15].

    The interface tool has found a this-node compound statement containing a vehicle-system-instance statement with invalid value.

  70. (error 3256): J1939 node vehicle-system value of 'value' is outside range of [0,127].

    The interface tool has found a this-node compound statement containing a vehicle-system statement with invalid value.

  71. (error 3257): J1939 node function value of 'value' is outside range of [0,255].

    The interface tool has found a this-node compound statement containing a function statement with invalid value.

  72. (error 3258): J1939 node function-instance value of 'value' is outside range of [0,31].

    The interface tool has found a this-node compound statement containing a function-instance statement with invalid value.

  73. (error 3259): J1939 node ecu-instance value of 'value' is outside range of [0,7].

    The interface tool has found a this-node compound statement containing an ecu-instance statement with invalid value.

  74. (error 3260): J1939 node manufacturer-code value of 'value' is outside range of [0,2047].

    The interface tool has found a this-node compound statement containing a manufacturer-code statement with invalid value.

  75. (error 3261): J1939 node identify-number value of 'value' is outside range of [0,2097151].

    The interface tool has found a this-node compound statement containing an identify-number statement with invalid value.

  76. (error 3271): more than one PGN size statement specified.

    The interface tool has found a pgn-receive compound statement containing a repeated size statement (the tool expects only one).

  77. (error 3276): J1939 PGN has a size outside the range of [0,1785] bytes.

    The interface tool has found a pgn-receive compound statement containing a size statement with an invalid value.

  78. (error 3277): J1939 PGN has a size larger than the J1939 message buffer.

    The interface tool has found a pgn-receive compound statement containing a size statement with a value greater than the value specified in the J1939 size-of-message-buffer statement. All J1939 messages must not exceed the size specified in the size-of-message-buffer statement.

  79. (error 3278): duplicate PGN requested information found.

    The interface tool has found a more than one pgn-receive compound statement with the same PGN (the tool expects only one).

  80. (error 3291): miscellaneous J1939 PGN-related error.

    The interface tool reports this error code for several different issues related to J1939 PGN declarations. See error text emitted for details of problem.

  81. (error 3292): pdu-datapage value of 'value' is outside the range [0,1].

    The interface tool has found a pgn-receive or pgn-requested compound statement containing a pdu-datapage statement with an invalid value.

  82. (error 3293): pdu-format value of 'value' is outside the range [0,255].

    The interface tool has found a pgn-receive or pgn-requested compound statement containing a pdu-format statement with an invalid value.

  83. (error 3294): pdu-specific value of 'value' is outside the range [0,255].

    The interface tool has found a pgn-receive or pgn-requested compound statement containing a pdu-specific statement with an invalid value.

  84. (error 3295): J1939 PGN has a PDU format less than 240 and a PDU specific value that is non-zero.

    The interface tool has found a pgn-receive or pgn-requested compound statement where the PDU1 format requires the PDU specific to be specified as zero (the library substitutes the destination address automatically).

  85. (error 3296): duplicate PGN receive information found.

    The interface tool has found a more than one pgn-requested compound statement with the same PGN (the tool expects only one).

  86. (error 3297): duplicate PID ID found.

    The interface tool has found more than one PID with its j1979-8bit-id statement set to the same identifier.

  87. (error 3298): duplicate PID ID found.

    The interface tool has found more than one PID with its kwp-8bit-id statement set to the same identifier.

  88. (error 3299): duplicate PID ID found.

    The interface tool has found more than one PID with its iso-16bit-id statement set to the same identifier.

  89. (error 3300): duplicate DTE ID 'id' found

    The interface tool has found a DTE identifier 'id' more than once (DTE IDs must be unique).

  90. (error 3301): more than one DTC storage statement specified.

    The interface tool has found a dtc-data compound statement with a repeated storage statement (the tool expects one).

  91. (error 3302): target 'name' does not support battery backed RAM storage.

    The interface tool has found a dtc-data compound statement containing a storage statement which specifies battery backed RAM for a target which does not implement battery backed RAM.

  92. (error 3303): DTCs are not supported for target 'name'.

    The interface tool has found a dtc-data compound statement for a target which does not support DTCs.

  93. (error 3304): duplicate DME ID 'id' found

    The interface tool has found a DME identifier 'id' more than once (DME IDs must be unique).

  94. (error 3305): undeclared Monitor group ID 'id' used

    The interface tool has found that the Monitor group ID 'id' defined for the DTE is not defined (each DTE must be associated with a Monitor that exists).

  95. (error 3311): miscellaneous DTC error.

    The interface tool reports this error code for several issues relating to J1939 and ISO-15765 Diagnostic Trouble Codes. See error text emitted for details of problem.

  96. (error 3312): duplicate DTC named 'name' specified.

    The interface tool has found a dtc- compound statement containing a name statement specifying an identical name to another object (the tool expects all names to be unique).

  97. (error 3313): DTC uses an undeclared table 'name'.

    The interface tool has found a dtc compound statement containing a table statement that refers to an unspecified table.

  98. (error 3314): J1939 DTC SPN value of 'value' is outside the range [0,524287].

    The interface tool has found a dtc-j1939 compound statement containing a spn statement with an invalid value.

  99. (error 3315): J1939 DTC FMI value of 'value' is outside the range [0,31].

    The interface tool has found a dtc-j1939 compound statement containing a fmi statement with an invalid value.

  100. (error 3316): J1939 DTC CM value of 'value' is outside the range [0,1].

    The interface tool has found a dtc-j1939 compound statement containing a cm statement with an invalid value.

  101. (error 3317): duplicate DTE ID 'id' specified

    The interface tool has found a DTE identifier 'id' more than once (DTE IDs must be unique).

  102. (error 3318): duplicate DME ID 'id' specified

    The interface tool has found a DME identifier 'id' more than once (DME IDs must be unique).

  103. (warning 3319): DTE uses an undefined DME 'id'

    The interface tool has found that the DME ID 'id' defined within the DTE is not defined (each DTE should be associated with a DME that exists, otherwise it is orphaned).

  104. (warning 3320): no DTEs have been defined for this DME 'id'

    The interface tool has found that the DME ID 'id' has not been associated with any DTE. This is allowed, but a warning is raised to check if it is intentional.

  105. (warning 3321): ISO diagnostics physical address and functional address receive IDs are the same

    The interface tool has found that the same ID has been used for the Physical and Functional Rx on ISO-15765 comms. This is currently allowed, but a warning is raised in case this was unintentional.

  106. (error 3341): adaptive adaptive name has already been specified.

    The interface tool has found more the same adaptive parameter name listed more than once.

  107. (error 3345): more than one adaptive storage statement specified.

    The adaptive storage statement specifies where adaptives should be stored when the ECU is not powered (e.g. flash, battery-backed RAM). Only one such statement is allowed.

  108. (error 3346): target target_name does not support battery backed RAM storage.

    The adaptive storage statement specifies where adaptives should be stored when the ECU is not powered (e.g. flash, battery-backed RAM). Here a target ECU has been specified which does not support battery backed RAM storage.

  109. (error 3351): Tunes are not supported for target 'name'.

    The interface tool has found a tunes compound statement for a target which does not support Tunes.

  110. (error 3352): no application statement specified.

    The interface tool has found no application statement in an interface file, when the tool was expecting one.

  111. (error 3353): no os-native statement specified.

    The interface tool has not found the os-native compound statement in an interface file (the tool was expecting one).

  112. (error 3354): task 'name' has no specified 'priority' statement.

    The interface tool has found a task compound statement without a required 'priority' statement.

  113. (error 3355): task 'name' has no specified 'period' statement.

    The interface tool has found a task compound statement for a periodic task which has no (or zero) repetition time period specified.

  114. (error 3356): task 'name' has a specified 'period' statement.

    The interface tool has found a task compound statement for a non-periodic (e.g. angular) task which has a repetition time period specified.

  115. (error 3357): task 'name' has no specified 'function' statement.

    The interface tool has found a task compound statement for a task which has no C function specified.

  116. (error 3358): resource 'name' has no specified used-by-task statement.

    The interface tool has found a resource compound statement without a required used-by-task statement.

  117. (error 3359): number of CAN transmit messages is reassigned.

    The interface tool has found a repeated number-of-transmit-messages statement (the tool expects to find only one).

  118. (error 3360): more than one DTC lamp state priority statement specified.

    The interface tool has found a dtc-data compound statement with a repeated dtc-lamp-state-priority statement (the tool expects at most one).

  119. (error 3361): more than one DTC transition previously active to pending statement specified.

    The interface tool has found a dtc-data compound statement with a repeated dtc-transition-prev-active-to-pending statement (the tool expects at most one).

  120. (error 3401): PID ID out of range.

    The interface tool has found a diagnostic PID with an out of range 16-bit ID number.

  121. (error 3402): ISO diagnostics receive ID is outside the range

    The interface tool has found an receive ID beyond permitted range for ISO-15765 (permitted range is [0, 0x7FF] for standard ID and [0, 0x1FFFFFF] for extended ID).

  122. (error 3403): ISO diagnostics physical address receive ID is same as the transmit ID

    The interface tool has found that the same ID has been used for the Physical Rx and Tx IDs for ISO-15765 (the receive and transmit IDs have to be different).

  123. (error 3404): ISO diagnostic tx buffer size must be in range [1, 4095]

    The interface tool has found that the Tx buffer size defined for ISO-15765 is out of allowed range.

  124. (error 3405): ISO diagnostic rx buffer size must be in range [1, 4095]

    The interface tool has found that the Rx buffer size defined for ISO-15765 is out of allowed range.

  125. (error 3406): more than one ISO Diagnostic can-bus statement specified

    The interface tool has found a repeated ccp-messaging statement (the tool expects only one).

  126. (error 3407): PID ID out of range.

    The interface tool has found a diagnostic PID with an out of range 8-bit ID number.

  127. (error 3408): J1939 dm7-req-buf-size value of 'value' is outside the range [1,10]

    The interface tool has found that the DM7 request buffer/ queue size is out of allowed range.

  128. (error 3409): duplicate AECD number error.

    The interface tool has found a more than one aecd compound statement with the same AECD number (the tool expects only one).

  129. (error 3410): test map position out of range.

    The interface tool has found a test map position outside the permitted range of [1, 64].

  130. (error 3411): test ID is out of range.

    The interface tool has found a test ID outside the permitted range of [1, 0xFF].

  131. (error 3412): test map position redefined.

    The interface tool has found a test map position that has been assigned to more than one test ID.

  132. (error 3413): DTC time-to-derate value out of range.

    The interface tool has found a DTC time-to-derate value outside the permitted range of [0, 225000] seconds.

  133. (error 3414): J1939 Suspect Parameter Number (SPN) out of range.

    The interface tool has found a J1939 SPN outside the permitted range of [0, 524287].

  134. (error 3415): J1939 multiframe-priority value out of range.

    The interface tool has found the J1939 multiframe-priority value outside the permitted range of [0, 7].

  135. (error 3416): ISO bus 'value' is outside the range [0,2] supported by target 'name'.

    The interface tool has found a can-bus statement referring to a CAN bus which isn't implemented by the target.

  136. (error 3421): ISO diagnostic maximum number of UDS dynamically defined identifiers must be in range [0, 255].

  137. (error 3422): ISO diagnostic maximum number of UDS periodic identifiers must be in range [0, 254].

  138. (error 3423): ISO diagnostic periodic ID base period must be in range [20, 65530].

  139. (error 3430): DTC extended data record number 'value' is outside the range [1,239].

    The interface tool has found a DTC extended data record number outside of the permitted range of [1,239].

  140. (error 3572): target declaration in target-ecu statement.

    The interface tool has found a target declaration in the target-ecu statement for an interface file. The use of target declarations is now deprecated and will become illegal in a future release. Please delete this declaration.

  141. (error 3501): DTE or DME identifier is not defined.

    The interface tool has found a dte statement without the required dte-id or a dme statement without the required dme-id statement.

  142. (error 3503): Routine identifier is not defined.

    The interface tool has found a routine statement without the required iso-16bit-id statement.

  143. (error 3504): Routine identifier is reserved by the platform.

    The interface tool has found a routine statement that has the iso-16bit-id statement set to a routine ID that is reserved by the platform software. Please select a different routine ID.

  144. (error 3505): Duplicate routine ID found.

    The interface tool has found more than one UDS service $31 routine with its iso-16bit-id statement set to the same identifier.

  145. (error 3506): Routine data byte length outside of range [0, 4095]

    The interface tool has found that the byte length for a UDS service $31 data item is out of allowed range of [0, 4095].

  146. (error 3572): target declaration in target-ecu statement.

    The interface tool has found a target declaration in the target-ecu statement for an interface file. The use of target declarations is now deprecated and will become illegal in a future release. Please delete this declaration.

  147. (error 3574): missing hw-part-number declaration in target-ecu statement.

    The interface tool has found the hw-part-number declaration to be missing from the target-ecu statement for an interface file. A default hw-part-number as displayed in the warning text emitted has been reconstructed using the target declaration instead. Please note that the use of target declarations is now deprecated and will become illegal in a future release. Please replace this declaration with the correct hw-part-number, hw-issue-number and hw-option declarations instead.

  148. (error 3575): missing hw-issue-number declaration in target-ecu statement.

    The interface tool has found the hw-issue-number declaration to be missing from the target-ecu statement for an interface file. A default hw-issue-number as displayed in the warning text emitted has been reconstructed using the target declaration instead. Please note that the use of target declarations is now deprecated and will become illegal in a future release. Please replace this declaration with the correct hw-part-number, hw-issue-number and hw-option declarations instead.

  149. (error 3576): multiple security settings for CCP privilege level

    The interface tool has found multiple security statements specifying settings for the same CCP privilege level in the ccp-messaging statement for an interface file. At most one security statement must exist for a CCP privilege level.

  150. (error 3577): parameter 'dde-entry' missing from J1979 freeze frames declaration

    The interface tool has found the dde-entry declaration to be missing from the declaration of a J1979 protocol freeze frame.

  151. (error 3578): parameter 'dde-entry' missing from uds snapshot declaration.

    The interface tool has found the dde-entry declaration to be missing from the declaration of a UDS protocol freeze frame.

  152. (error 3579): parameter 'dde-entry' missing from J1939 dm4 freeze frame declaration.

    The interface tool has found the dde-entry declaration to be missing from the declaration of a J1939 protocol dm4 freeze frame.

  153. (error 3580): type option 'type' unknown, expecting one of: dm4, dm25.

    The interface tool has found an invalid type declaration for a J1939 freeze frame.

  154. (error 3581): type option 'type' unknown, expecting one of: snapshot.

    The interface tool has found an invalid type declaration for a UDS freeze frame.