4.3.2. Auto-coders

Simulink Coder (formerly Real-Time Workshop) provides a number of different auto-coders, each with increasing levels of functionality:

Generic Real-Time — RTMODEL

The GRT RTMODEL auto-coder is available with a license of Simulink Coder (or Real-Time Workshop) and provides the next level of auto-coding.

Although similar to GRT RSIM, the overall structure of the generated code is more like Embedded Coder. This auto-coder provides better memory use (making more memory available to the model) and generates better code in some situations.

This auto-coder is appropriate for rapid-prototyping tasks only.

Embedded Coder

The EC auto-coder is available with a license of Embedded Coder (or Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder). This license is separate from the Simulink Coder license.

This auto-coder provides good control over the generation of functions, of variable and function naming, of memory allocation and code layout within files. This auto-coder improves on memory use and again generates better code in various situations.

These improvements make this auto-coder suitable for production tasks.

See OpenECU Compatibility with Third Party Tools for a complete list of supported coder versions.

OpenECU provides a collection of configuration sets to select between each of these auto-coders.