7.3.2. Possible causes OpenECU module is not powered-up


  • Visually check for the response from actuators that are driven by the OpenECU module (lamps, relays, DC motors, etc.) during power-up. When the observed actuator response is not as expected, then the OpenECU module is not powered up correctly.

  • Check that the 5V sensor reference output on the OpenECU module is present. When the reference line voltage does not match the expected 5V, then the module is not powered up correctly.

  • Measure the current drawn by the OpenECU module (electrical current into all VPWR input pins). When the total current is less than 250mA, then the module is not powered up correctly.


  1. When fused, check that all fuses are intact.

  2. Check that all VPWR pins have a DC voltage supply of 9V to 16V.

  3. Check that all PWRGND connections are connected to ground. OpenECU module is not connected to the ATI Hub correctly



  1. Remove all devices from the CAN bus except the OpenECU module and the ATI Hub.


    When communications are established, then the cause may be in the disconnected device(s). Terminating resistors, different CAN baud rate or clashing CAN message ID's are potential causes. Further investigation will be required but is outside the scope of this trouble shooting guide.

  2. Check the 15 pin D-type connector on the back of the ATI Hub if fixed securely.

  3. Check that the ATI CAN connections are fitted correctly. CAN-High (white) and CAN-Low (blue) are connected to the corresponding pins of the OpenECU module. OpenECU module resets continuously



  1. Power down the OpenECU module.

  2. Apply 18V DC to the FEPS input pin of the OpenECU module (i.e. use an external power supply between the FEPS pin and ground).

  3. Power up the OpenECU module (powering up with 18V applied to the FEPS pin, forces the OpenECU module to enter reprogramming mode).

  4. When communications is established, flash the module with the strategy that is known to be working. Continue with the following steps:

    1. Wait for flashing to complete.

    2. Remove the 18V DC power from the FEPS input pin of the OpenECU module.

    3. Power cycle the module.


      Continuous module resets can be caused by a mistake in the strategy model (e.g. divide by zero) or when a model takes too long to run in its allotted time budget (e.g., a 1ms model rate takes longer than 1ms to complete). It is good practice to review the source model for potential causes of the reset.

  5. When communications is not established, the OpenECU module is not resetting continuously and the problem is potentially with the CAN configuration (see Section, “CAN baud rate between OpenECU and ATI disagree” and Section, “CCP CRO and DTO values do not agree with OpenECU”). CAN baud rate between OpenECU and ATI disagree



  1. In ATI Vision, right click on “VNICAN” and select the menu option Properties.

  2. Select the Settings tab.

  3. Select a Bus Frequency of what is expected to match the strategy that is currently flashed onto the module.


    When the version of the latest strategy is known, then the bus frequencies of that strategy can be found by opening the strategy in ATI Vision and selecting the menu option File > Properties. The frequency is displayed as “Baudrate” in the Device Settings tab. If the strategy is unknown, then it will be any of the following possible frequencies: 33.333, 50, 62.5, 83.333, 100, 125, 250, 500 or 1000 kBps. Select one at a time until communications are established.

  4. When communications is still not established, then the most likely cause is a mismatch of the CRO and DTO vales between the active strategy in the project and the strategy that is currently flashed onto the module. See Section, “CCP CRO and DTO values do not agree with OpenECU” on how to change CRO and DTO values.

  5. When communications is established, flash the module with the strategy that has the new desired bus frequency.

  6. Power cycle the module when flashing has completed.

  7. In ATI Vision, right click on “VNICAN” and select the menu option Properties.

  8. Highlight the Settings tab.

  9. Select a “Bus Frequency” of the strategy that is flashed onto the module. CCP CRO and DTO values do not agree with OpenECU




You will need to know the CRO and DTO values of the strategy that was last successfully flashed onto module. These values can either be found in the corresponding MATLAB model or from the corresponding strategy (VST) file. Use steps 2 to 6 below to find out what the existing values are. Because the CRO and DTO can be any CAN identifier number, it will be very difficult to establish communications without knowing the values used in the strategy that is currently flashed onto the modules.

  1. Create a copy of the strategy file that needs to be flashed onto the module.

  2. Opening it in ATI Vision and selecting the menu option File > Properties.

  3. In the Device Settings tab, highlight CRO and press the Edit button. Enter the CRO number of the strategy that is currently flashed onto the module and select the OK.

  4. In the Device Settings tab, highlight DTO and press the Edit button. Enter the DTO number of the strategy that is currently flashed onto the module and select the OK.

  5. Save the modified strategy file.

  6. Attach the modified strategy file to the PCM in ATI Vision and make active.

  7. When communications is established, flash the module with the strategy.

  8. Power cycle the module when flashing has completed (comms should no longer be established).

  9. Attach the version of the strategy file with the original CRO and DTO values to the PCM in ATI Vision and make active. CCP seed/key has not been configured, or is using incorrect algorithm(s)



  1. Check the directory where the Vision strategy file is located. If this directory does not contain a DLL file and the strategy is known to require CCP seed/key security, then copy the relevant file to this directory.

  2. If the directory contains one or more DLL files but CCP seed/key security is still not available, it is possible that the DLL file in this directory may have the correct name but the wrong algorithm. (It may be the algorithm for a different manufacturer or platform, for example). Locate the correct DLL file(s) providing CCP seed/key security algorithms for this application, and copy the file(s) to this directory.