MATLAB Connector Error
If you get an error such as the following when starting your model:
Error using connector.ensureServiceOn Error starting MATLAB Connector. Please check that port 31515 is available. Error in slmsgviewer Error in slmsgviewer/PersistentInstance Error in slmsgviewer.processRecord Error in oe_clear_build_list (line 31) disp('Clearing previously loaded build list.'); Error in oe_read_build_list (line 77) oe_clear_build_list; Error in oe_make_rtw_hook (line 152) oe_read_build_list(modelName); Error in openecu_make_rtw_hook (line 6) [restored, hModel] = oe_make_rtw_hook(makeRTWHookMethod, ... Error in openmdl (line 12) evalin('base', ['open_system(''' strrep(filename, '''','''''') ''');'] ); Error in open (line 158) feval(openAction,fullpath); Error in uiopen (line 167) open(fn);
This is an issue with the MATLAB configuration. It can be fixed with the following:
Set the Enviornment Variable: JAVA_TOOL_OPTION to
- Reset the computer to enable the change
More Details can be found at the Mathworks help forums.