2.7. Warnings and safety guidelines

It is very important to read and understand the following warnings and safety guidelines. Inappropriate use of the OpenECU system can lead to loss of data, damage to software and hardware, and possible personal injury if safe vehicle operation is compromised.

The safe operation of OpenECU is the responsibility of the those using it. The level of risk associated with the user's application must be ascertained and appropriate mitigation devices used to reduce the potential risks to an acceptable level. These mitigation devices may include a system 'kill switch', driver training, backup systems and use of the vehicle in safe environments.

A structured approach to testing is recommended, particularly before the product is used in environments where it may be in contact with members of the public (e.g. the public highway). This testing may include HIL, static vehicle system test and/or vehicle test in a test track environment.

Pi Innovo supplies OpenECU on the basis that:

Pi Innovo also strongly recommends that: