You will need the following software pre-installed on your PC:
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 or Microsoft Windows7 SP1 32-bit or 64-bit.
MathWorks: MATLAB and Simulink (and optionally, Stateflow and Stateflow Coder):
See OpenECU Compatibility with Third Party Tools for a complete list of supported versions.
MathWorks: Simulink Coder (formerly Real-Time Workshop) versions:
See OpenECU Compatibility with Third Party Tools for a complete list of supported versions.
Wind River Diab compiler; version (M220, M221, M250, M460 and M461); or version (M220, M221, M250, M460 and M461); or version (M220, M221, M250, M460, M461 and M670). Only the C language version is required (note, C++ is not yet supported).
Calibration tool: PiSnoop, ATI Vision™ (version 2.5 through 5.1.2), ETAS INCA (version 7.2.7) or Vector CANape (version 8.0 through 16.0).
OpenECU developer software does not support earlier versions of Windows than XP (SP3), Windows Vista, or Windows 8.
See the Chapter 1, Installation for full details of the software required.