
oe_switch_version — list available versions of OpenECU or update MATLAB's path to another version of OpenECU.



oe_switch_version string string

oe_switch_version directory-of-installed-openecu


OE_SWITCH_VERSION lists available platforms relative to the current OpenECU MATLAB path and those previously installed. The user can select which version to switch to.

OE_SWITCH_VERSION STR STR changes the current OpenECU MATLAB path to the platform path that matches the first and second parameter (the second parameter is optional).

OE_SWITCH_VERSION DIR changes the current OpenECU MATLAB path to the platform path specified by the first parameter. The parameter must be the full path including drive character.


List all available platforms


Switch to a platform which includes one string in its directory

oe_switch_version 1_9_2

oe_switch_version trunk

Switch to a platform which includes two strings in its directory

oe_switch_version platform 1_9_2

oe_switch_version trunk serengeti

Switch to a specific location where OpenECU is installed

oe_switch_version c:\openecu\platform\1_9_2

The matching strings can be shortened. For instance, the first of the two following examples can be shortened into the second:

oe_switch_version trunk serengeti

oe_switch_version trunk ser

so long as 'trunk' and 'ser' match uniquely.


MATLAB's path will be modified for the current session and saved for the next. Next time MATLAB starts, the switched-to version of OpenECU will be retained.


Switching to an earlier version of OpenECU is supported. But earlier versions of OpenECU do not always support switching to later versions. If switching to an later version of OpenECU fails then you will need to manually edit the MATLAB path manually. See the Installation section of the Release Notes or User Guide for details on which paths to add.


MATLAB's cache of models is cleared without saving. All models and MEX functions will be cleared from memory (except those in a debug or compile state) using the bdclose all and clear functions commands. This avoids cached elements of one version of OpenECU being used after switching to another version of OpenECU.