oe_freeccp — download a built model image to OpenECU.
] [-f <image_file>
] [-cancardxl
] [-pci
] [-croid <id>
] [-dtoid <id>
] [-targetid <station address>
] [-b <baudrate>
invokes the freeccp tool to either download a
model image to an OpenECU or to check if an OpenECU is available
on a CAN link.
The freeccp tool is provided free and unsupported by Pi Innovo. Users are permitted to use this software for commercial and non-commercial purposes.
The freeccp tool relies on a Vector CAN card.
The command options take the following form:
Option | Description |
-check | check for an OpenECU device on the CAN link (use appropriate CRO, DTO, station address and baud rate settings as necessary) |
-f <image_file> | download the build S-record image file (do not use the Intel HEX image) |
-cancardxl | select a cancardxl can card |
-pci | select a PCI can card |
-croid | set the CRO CAN identifier (PC to ECU CAN message — default is 1785) |
-dtoid | set the DTO CAN identifier (ECU to PC CAN message — default is 1784) |
-targetid | set the station address (default is 0) |
-b | set the baud rate in kBps (default is 500) |
oe_freeccp -f step1_image_small.s37attempts to program the OpenECU device with the built step1 model.
oe_freeccp -croid 400 -dtoid 401 -targetid 2 -b 500 -f step1_image_small.s37attempts to program the OpenECU device with the built step1 model, using a CAN ID of 400 for the CRO messages, using a CAN ID of 401 for the DTO messages, using a station address of 2 at 500 kBps.
oe_freeccp -checkattempts to talk to an OpenECU device using the default CCP settings.