1.5.4. MATLAB Integration

The installer integrates the OpenECU package with MATLAB and Simulink. However, if for any reason the installer could not find an installed version of MATLAB, the user can manually integrate the OpenECU blockset by issuing the following MATLAB commands:

addpath '[install path]\openecu'
addpath '[install path]\openecu\rtw\c\openecu_ert\code_templates'
addpath '[install path]\openecu\rtw\c\openecu_ert'
addpath '[install path]\openecu\rtw\c\openecu_grt'
addpath '[install path]\openecu\rtw\c\openecu_grt_rsim'
addpath '[install path]\openecu\mex_r<release>'
addpath '[install path]\openecu\mfile'
addpath '[install path]\openecu\model'


where the text [install path] is replaced by the installed location of the OpenECU blockset, e.g., c:\openecu\platform\1_9_2; and the text <release> is replaced with the major version of MATLAB (e.g., 2013b or 2013b_64 for 64-bit versions of MATLAB).

Once the path has been added, the user can check the OpenECU version by issuing the following MATLAB command:

ver openecu

A correct response will look something like:

OpenECU Blockset (Pi Innovo) Version <number> <date>

If nothing is printed, or an error message is returned, then the path specified by the addpath command was incorrect and should be changed. Known issues

  • Open: When loading an OpenECU model, Simulink may issue warnings similar to this:

    Warning: Model '...' was last saved using an old version (...) of Simulink.
    For advice on upgrading this model to the current version of Simulink, see
    the Upgrade Advisor.
    > In oe_test_required_platform_vers at 26
      In oe_make_rtw_hook at 153
      In openecu_make_rtw_hook at 6
      In general\private\openmdl at 13
      In open at 159
      In uiopen at 167

    Workaround: Turn off the Notify when loading an old model option in Simulink's preferences: