1.5.7. ETAS INCA calibration tool Integration

The installer integrates the OpenECU package with the ETAS INCA tool. However, if for any reason the installer could not find an installed version of INCA, the user can manually integrate the necessary ProF component.

The INCA-ProF tool programs OpenECU over CCP using a set of configuration files. In order to manually integrate these configuration files, the user must run INCA, open an experiment, select manage memory then flash programming.

The user is then presented with a dialog box to browse ProF configurations, or a ProF settings dialog box (in which case the user must select Configure...).

With the browse ProF configurations dialog box, select the "Install..." button and browse to the install location of OpenECU:

[install path]\tools_integration\inca_prof

and select OK. This will have manually installed the INCA-ProF configuration file for OpenECU.


If manually integrating and the ProF files cannot be found in the location above, then re-run the OpenECU installer and select the Integration -> INCA-ProF Integration option and try again. Known defects/issues
