8.4. Automatic DDE generation messages

  1. (error 400): found internal error while searching for an 'os-native' statement — not found but should be present.

    The interface tool has found in internal error. Please contact OpenECU support if this error occurs.

  2. (error 402): while creating automatic adaptive DDE 'dde name' an existing DDE of the same name was found — do not replicate adaptive DDEs in DDE files.

    The interface tool has tried to create an automatic adaptive DDE for the corresponding DDE named 'dde name' but found that one is already present. This situation occurs because one of the DDE files contains a definition for a DDE that the interface tool requires — rename the DDE.

  3. (error 403): there is no DDE for the adaptive 'adaptive name'.

    The interface tool has read an interface file which declares some adaptive data using the adaptive-list statement but there is no corresponding DDE for the 'adaptive name'. Update one of the DDE files to include a definition of the adaptive data.

  4. (error 404): while creating automatic tune DDE 'dde name' an existing DDE of the same name was found -- do not replicate tune DDEs in DDE files.

    The interface tool has tried to create an automatic Tune DDE for the corresponding DDE named 'dde name' but found that one is already present. This situation occurs because one of the DDE files contains a definition for a DDE that the interface tool requires — rename the DDE.

  5. (error 405): there is no DDE for the tune 'tune name'.

    The interface tool has read an interface file which declares some Tune data using the tune-list statement but there is no corresponding DDE for the 'tune name'. Update one of the DDE files to include a definition of the adaptive data.

  6. (error 406): found internal error — could not find 'named' node.

    The interface tool has found in internal error. Please contact OpenECU support if this error occurs.

  7. (error 407): found internal error — could not find 'named' declaration.

    The interface tool has found in internal error. Please contact OpenECU support if this error occurs.