Q. My M560/M580 does not revert to custom UDS CAN IDs as defined in the application, when the application is erased or invalid. A. __DESCRIPTION__ The OpenECU platform allows applications to configure custom reprogramming settings. These settings include CCP and UDS reprograming ID’s and seed-key security algorithms. When an application that has these settings configured is flashed to the ECU, the settings are stored in non-volatile memory and should be retained even if the application becomes invalid or gets erased. __IMPACT__ On the products listed in the following link https://www.pi-innovo.com/download/m560-and-m580-ccp-and-uds-setting-erratum/, if the application is erased or becomes invalid, the ECU will revert to the default reprogramming settings not the application settings. The default firmware settings are listed below: * Seed-Key security access: disabled * UDS identifiers *Functional request ID: 0x7DF<
>*Physical request ID: 0x7E0<
>*Physical response ID: 0x7E8 * CCP identifiers *CRO: 1785 (0x6f9)<
>*DTO: 1784 (0x6f8)<
>*Station address: 0